Restoring and preserving a hidden treasure

As Austin grows, natural hiding places like Harpers Branch Creek Greenbelt become more and more important. Let’s restore and create another place in Austin to enjoy nature, biodiversity and quiet in spaces designed for people to be in without disturbing the nature we are there to lose ourselves in and enjoy.

20 minute walkthrough of entire greenbelt with 360 degree camera.

(Click to play, maybe twice, then click and drag in the video as it is playing to look around! Full screen is also allowed.)

What is Harpers Branch Creek Greenbelt?

It is a hidden unmarked and almost secret greenbelt many who live close to it do not even know about. The Greenbelt in Travis Heights, nestled in a dry branch of Harpers Branch Creek and descends well below street level. It only peeks over the curb at 1405 Kenwood. Hiking down this dry creek channel allows you to quickly disappear into a pocket wilderness in the middle of a city neighborhood.

What have we done so far?

Exploration and planning with key organizations who own and have stewardship over the park, and volunteer organizations who can help us organize events.

We have explored virtually all topics that can have a positive impact on restoration preservation and accessibility. Read our blog to find out more.

What’s next?

It’s time to finish documenting things as they are so we have good “Before” pictures and video, and to start coordinating restoration efforts and working with the city and non-profit organizations to embark on a journey to restoration, accessibility and preservation we can all enjoy!

Email us at the email down below in the footer with questions, ideas and to get involved.

Who are we?